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God Hears and Answers!

On last Sunday, I received a call that my mom was being rushed to the hospital because of what was presumed to be a heart attack. We prayed and asked God specifically to "reverse the heart attack." We prayed for symptoms to change/disappear upon arrival to the hospital. We asked for efficiency amongst hospital officials, peace for my mom, and to know an answer by six o’clock.

1. Before she even arrived at the hospital, she got better as they admitted her as a non-emergency.
2. All test came back NEGATIVE for heart attack.
3. She was discharged at 6pm!
4. Hospital staff was efficient enough to get her in and out in 2 hours!
5. My mom had enough
peace to not ask doctors to re-run the tests after the negative results! God is AWESOME!

God Keeps Doing Great Things

I give glory to God for His faithfulness.  My brother is out (of jail) and doing well.  He went to church last Sunday and is (also) going this morning! 
Also, a tire spike went through my foot at the rental car return.  But God miraculously healed me.  Bleeding stopped, I was able to walk and wear my shoe.  After praying and decreeing I was not going to have a problem with foot or walking, etc.!  God did it!!!  2 Cor. 5:7

God Playing Favorites

I want to testify about God's goodness.  I believe I am His favorite daughter.  This week and last week, I have gone out to eat and a stranger paid for my food.  I don't know who did it, but I thank God for favor anyhow!  Praise God!

God Showed Out Again!

Our son is in transition to a new school for middle and high.  We have been blessed to send him to private school through elementary because of an income based scholarship.  I knew his school offered a scholarship for the remainder of his schooling, but I wasn't sure of the amount.  But after praying and considering several schools, I'm happy to say God showed out again.  Our son will be attending Memphis University School (MUS) for middle and high school.  The tuition for this school is normally $22,000 a year, but we will only have to pay $600 a year.

God is Faithful to His Written Word and Rhema Word!!

I have been struggling with my health for the past 3 years or so.  Nothing major, just kind of a vague, non-descript feeling of not being well.  I have wrestled with plantar fasciitis, vertigo, bursitis, carpal tunnel, joint pain and just a broad general feeling of never-ending anxiety.  I have tried to address these issues in my prayer closet with "seemingly" little improvement, but I just determined I would keep it moving---a kinda fake it until I could make it theology.

A couple of Sundays ago, I had a flare up of carpal tunnel.  I was really concerned because I had an interview later in the week and it affects my fine motor skills.  Someone came down to the Children's Ministry Department and said the pastors were praying for those who needed prayer and as soon as I could get away, I ran to the sanctuary and stood in line.  I briefly explained to the pastors what I had been experiencing and they prayed for me.

I went on to work and a few hours later, I noticed that the swelling in my fingers was gone, I could wiggle my fingers, and I could even make a clenched fist, all of which was impossible just a few hours prior.

They also prayed that God will show me grace during my interview.  Sometimes you prepare for the interview and sometimes God prepares the interview for you!!!  The hiring manager called me and told me they were hanging onto my every word and that I nailed it!!!  I start my new position next week!!!!

This is also a fulfillment of prophecy...Years ago, I was sitting in my corner in the back and Pastor Miranda said I was an analyst---that I was always analyzing things.  I didn't know who she was talking about, so I turned around to look AND SHE CALLED ME BY NAME AND SAID SHE WAS TALKING TO ME!!!  I didn't say anything, but I thought that was a stretch and just tucked it away.  Sometime after that, she prophesied to me again that I was going to be doing something that was completely different from anything I had done before.  My new position is an analytical role!

Not one word that Pastor Miranda has ever spoken to me has fallen to the ground---just a little side bar­--once, she told me she smelled something new on me like the smell in the interior of a new car and that I was going to get a new car.  At that time, I couldn't have bought a decent pair of skates let alone a car, but shortly after that somebody rolled a brand new car into my driveway and handed me the keys!!!! (That was extra...back to this testimony...)

Okay the last thing I want to share is... I also mentioned that I had been having a lot of general achiness and anxiety.  Well, as it turns out, I have a profound deficiency in Vitamin D---which accounts for the aches and tenderness-and a profound deficiency in B12.  B12 promotes nerve health/healthy nervous system.  My body didn't have the resources to wage an adequate counter response to an anxiety attack, so I succumbed to it every time. This has been going on for DECADES!!! AND GOD PROVIDED THE REMEDY!  SOMETIMES HE SPEAKS THE HEALING AND SOMETIMES IT'S A PROCESS---HE MIGHT SEND A PROPHET TO TELL YOU TO DIP IN THE JORDAN 7 TIMES OR HE MIGHT MAKE A CAKE WITH SPITTLE AND PUT IT ON YOUR EYES!!!!  BUT IT'S ALL  GOD!!!  



Grace and Favor

#1) I was promoted Monday to a position that one year ago I was afraid to apply for.  It was so easy because I have overcome the fear that held me back.
#2) Wednesday, my daughter was told that class had been suspended so I began looking for flights.  Before I was able to find a flight, she called me back and told me a friend's Mom said she'll pay for the flight.  Thank God for His favor!

Grad School in View

This school year, I started off really apprehensive. I was emotionally exhausted. I got word (we’ll, another word) about going to grad school and I just wasn’t ready to return to the classroom as a teacher or a student.
The school year started with more fights and big personalities than usual, but those students seemed to move away or switch schools early on. The students that remained were (for the most part) easygoing and tolerable. In terms of grad school, I get a break and can’t apply until after I complete this year of teaching. I’m just thankful that my feelings don’t actually reflect what is to come.

Healing Anniversary!!

Five years ago to date, I had surgery for a melanoma found on the sole of my right foot.  Today, I celebrate five years of the doctors saying that I'm cancer free.  "I never claimed it.  It started and ended under my feet."  Hallelujah!


At the end of February, I went to the doctor to have a black spot on the bottom of my right foot examined. Much to my wife and I's surprise the test came back positive for a malignant melanoma(skin cancer). We were sent to an oncologist and of course surgery to remove the spot was scheduled. Since skin cancer can be a catalyst for other cancers hidden in the body, a test was done to map out certain lymph nodes for further testing. During the surgery, the spot was removed along with the surrounding skin, the lymph nodes were removed and tested and a skin graft was done to replace the skin that was removed. After further testing, the lymph nodes  came back NEGATIVE and the surrounding skin tested NEGATIVE. The cancer was located at that one spot and I AM CANCER FREE! We thank our ALMIGHTY GOD for His healing power, grace, and mercy.




A few months ago, Pastor Miranda told me I would get an increase on my job and Apostle Taylor said it again on a recent prayer call.  Well, what I thought was only going to be a 3.5% increase (for which I was EXTREMELY grateful) turned into a total of a 7.1% increase!  To God be the glory!  Now...we are just waiting on the Lord to manifest my husband's "sum sum" that's coming also.

It's Coming to Past!

I passed my 1st exam & completed my 1st 2 clinicals out of 14 that I must complete to continue onto the next phase. I also received my student scrubs and white lab coat that Pastor Miranda saw me wearing 10 years ago.

Thank you Jesus For Never Failing! My wife & I are stronger than ever! I love my blessing, my wife!

It's in the Atmosphere!!!!

Whenever we had visitors (Mason, Timmons, Presley) they kept saying "It's in the atmosphere".  So when one of our church families were told to buy a house they couldn't afford, I figured buying a house in general was out of my budget, so why not?!  Members of our church family connected me to my realtor.  She referred me to a loan officer and I did an application.  I went to a homebuyer's course on November 17th and saw the house on November 18th (as prophesied in the KCC GroupMe).  I made an offer that day and closed on the house December 21st.  By the grace of God, I am a 24 year old homeowner.  Y'all are invited once we unpack.

Our Declaration

We declare that we align ourselves with the glory of God, the love of God, the power of God, and the Son of God. We resist being forgetful hearers, but purpose to be doers of the Word, and to live by faith, literally standing up and surviving moment by moment in faith. Faith is to our spirit what breath is to our body. Help me live by faith in the name of Jesus.

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