A Fellowship that brings a Blessing!
The place where miracles are common! Where love flows! And the presence of God is ever present.

Our History
In 1998, approximately 20 men and women, armed only with a determination to obey God at any cost and a genuine desire to see God’s will manifested, earnestly began to seek the Lord for direction and instruction. The small group labored unceasingly in prayer and birthed the, yet unnamed, ministry in the living room of Frankie and Ed Wheeler.
The fellowship continued in prayer and it was determined that four men would be appointed as elders: John Murley, Ed Wheeler, James Knox and Charlie Reynolds. Shortly thereafter, one of the founding members, Anne Brown, received a word from the Lord that the name of the Body would be called KOINONIA, meaning fellowship that brings a blessing. The Lord continued to reveal Himself to Koinonia and sent a dynamic word that crystallized the vision of the church:
This is to be a church NOT ordinary
Not a church to sing a song
Pray a prayer
Preach a sermon
And then go home.
It is to be a hospital
A place where miracles are common!
Where love flows
And the presence of God is ever present.
Thus, the vision rested on the shoulders of the Body and they sought the leadership under a shepherd who would share in this great assignment. The Lord responded faithfully and presented Apostle Cedric Taylor and Prophetess Miranda Taylor to navigate the ministry according to His divine purpose.
Pastor Cedric and Miranda’s leadership has been earmarked by a spirit of excellence. Under their leadership the young church moved its weekly services from the Farmington Gates Apartments Clubhouse to Woodland Hills Country Club. The membership began to increase and before long it became necessary to move again-this time to our current location at 10525 Macon Road.
Today, Koinonia Christian Center (KCC) is a thriving ministry where active prayer remains as the cornerstone, KCC offers multiple services and supports the evangelistic efforts of many ministries worldwide. Our Pastors are servant leaders and they have crafted ministries to meet the needs of the church, as well as, accommodate the needs of the community beyond the four walls of the church.
Always sensitive to the leading of the Holy Ghost, our Pastors actively embody the love of God and imitate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by interceding on behalf of the Body. They also ensure that every biblical resource is employed to develop and mature people so that we can live victorious lives.

Cedric Taylor
is a native Memphian married to Miranda Taylor, a spirit-led anointed woman of God. They are the proud parents of four children; three sons, Dante, Cedric II, and Jonathan, a daughter Destiny and two daughter-in-laws; Nakecia (Dante) and Nora (Jonathan). He and his wife, Prophetess Miranda Taylor, have a heart and love for the Greater Memphis area and a desire to see it thrive and grow in the things of God through commerce, resources, and racial reconciliation. Apostle Cedric Taylor is dedicated to seeing Memphis embrace positive change. His passion is to see the Christian churches unite as one face and force to promote unity within the Christian and secular communities.
Because of his love and devotion to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, he is developing Koinonia Christian Center members through sound teaching of the Word of God. By equipping the members, he believes they will make a difference and effect change in their local community which will cause a domino effect throughout Greater Memphis and surrounding areas.
Before becoming the Senior Pastor of Koinonia Christian Center church, he served in various capacities for over 15 years at Christian Vision Center Ministries. His roles included: Usher, Media Ministry, Elder, Sunday School Director, and Youth Pastor. Under the tutelage and mentorship of now deceased Pastor Velton Rogers, he obtained the wisdom and insight that equipped him to fulfill the call of Pastor-ship. God later shifted his office from Pastor to Apostle, because of the pioneering work that God has mandated for his life and this ministry.
Apostle Taylor’s vision is to pioneer spirit filled places of worship crafted to reach, equip, and edify people from all races and cultural backgrounds. The focus of his effort will be to design and develop strategic locations to give God’s people unrestricted access to the manifest presence of God. He has traveled the world spreading the Gospel and has seen the powerful Word of God manifest healing, salvation, and deliverance for the people.
Miranda Taylor
is the Co-Pastor and First Lady of Koinonia Christian Center Ministries. She operates in the prophetic, while teaching alongside her husband Apostle Cedric Taylor.
God uses her in the ministry of the prophetic as she teaches the word of God with simplicity. Prophetess Miranda has a heart for women in the kingdom and believes that we are in a season of birthing the kingdom. Everything that is ordained of God in the natural must first be birthed in the realm of the spirit through prayer.
Prophetess Miranda resides in the greater Memphis area and works in the International Technology Division of a Fortune 100 corporation. She is the mother of four children; three adult sons, Dante, Cedric II, Jonathan, one daughter, Destiny and two daughter-in-laws; Nakecia (Dante) and Nora (Jonathan).

Meet Our Elders

Elijah Bernard
Finance, and Special

Rosa Knox
Children's Church Ministry, Intercessory Prayer, Sunday School Church, and Teen Ministry

Morylan Bernard
Finance, and Special

Lester Upchurch
Dance Ministry, Media Ministry, Praise Team Ministry, Prison Ministry, and The Wordstore

Karen Hill
Community Outreach, Manna Ministry, Ministers, and New Members Ministry

Lue Ida Walls Upchurch
Armor Bearer Ministry, Security Ministry, Publications, and Hospitality Ministry