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Altar Ministry

The purpose of the Altar Ministry is to minister to the spiritual needs of God’s people through prayer during times of corporate gathering.

Children's Church Ministry

The purpose of the Children’s Church Ministry is to lovingly teach our children God’s Word (Bible) by engaging them in fun-filled activities that will influence them to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Courtesy Committee

The purpose of the Courtesy Committee is established to fulfill the vision of touching the lives of members and their families in the time of need. This ministry will express thoughts of love during times of death, hospitalization, and illness. 

Greeters/Hospitality Ministry

The purpose of the Greeters/Hospitality ministry is to show forth God’s love to His people through the body of Christ. First time visitors, especially, need to feel comfortable and welcomed as soon as they enter in the doors of the church. We want the first impression of our church to be a blessed one.

Juvenile Court/Prison Ministry

The Juvenile Court Ministry meets the 2nd Saturday of every odd month. We go directly to the Juvenile detention center where we share God’s word, distribute bibles, and offer encouragement to teens who have found themselves in a difficult situation. Our ultimate goal is to introduce these youth to Christ and offer His salvation in their lives. We endeavor to plant a seed that will grow into a life change for God and that will equip these youth to face whatever this life may bring.  

Media Ministry

The purpose of the Media Ministry is to duplicate worship services and bible study messages that will provide extended spiritual growth.

New Member's Class Ministry

The purpose of the New Member’s Class Ministry is to provide to new members the set order in which Koinonia Christian Ministries has been ordained to move in. By biblical principles, the classes are designed to give a more in-depth understanding of the vision of our church and the direction our Pastors are taking to fulfill the will of God for this ministry. We endeavor for this body of  believers to be in unity.

Outreach/Homeless Ministry

We are people of service. Our purpose is to show forth the love of God as we tangibly touch different sections of Memphis and the surrounding areas. To show in action that Koinonia really means “fellowship that brings a blessing.”

Praise Team

The purpose of the Praise Team Ministry is to set an atmosphere that will usher in the presence of God, in the beauty of holiness, during the corporate assembly of the body of Christ

Security Ministry

The purpose of the Security Ministry is to guard, patrol, and secure the church grounds and provide protection for the Pastors and the Body.

Sunday School Church

We the Sunday Church School of Koinonia Christian Center aim to promote unity, Christian education, prophetic thought processes, Christian growth, and the advancement of God's purpose by studying the Word of God. We believe that reading, reciting, enacting, using illustrations, puppets, audio, and visuals affect our children. Through adults, the children will hear and understand a basic knowledge of the Bible, as they hear sermons and other ways the gospel is dispensed. We have a clear commitment and believe in the value of supporting our Pastor in the vision God has given. Our Sunday school classes begin at 9:00 am.


The purpose of the Usher Ministry is to serve all of God’s people that enter into the house of the Lord.  To carry out God’s plan and purpose for His kingdom while keeping order and allowing the Spirit of God to go forth without hinderance.

Armor Bearer Ministry

The purpose of the Armor Bearer Ministry is to provide a service for the shepherds of Koinonia Christian Center Ministries that will allow the vessels to be totally surrendered and connected to the will, purpose, and plan of GOD at any moment without any interferences or distractions.

Contact Committee

The purpose of the Contact Committee Ministry will be utilized by the Pastors as a means to reach out to members to make sure a connection to the KCC family is always strong and solid. 

Finance Ministry

The purpose of the Finance Ministry is to guarantee that integrity is established and maintained for all the accounting/financial aspects of Koinonia Christian Center at all times.

Intercessory Prayer

The Intercessory Prayer Team aims to promote intercessors that will stand in the gap (praying for the needs of the Body of Christ), be prayer warriors, sit as watchmen on the wall, and remain prophetic in our prayers. We endeavor to support the entire ministry base of Koinonia Christian Center by prayer, and to co-operate with the ministries of Koinonia to facilitate God's purposes. We have a clear commitment and desire to support our Pastors. Intercessory Prayer is every Sunday morning at 9:45am and on Wednesdays at 5:30pm.

Manna Ministry

The purpose of the Manna Ministry is to provide nutritional care during the time of need for our members as well as showing hospitality for guest ministers.

Men's Fellowship

The purpose of the KCCMF is to encourage a closer fellowship among the men of KCC, and provide a setting in the church where men periodically come together and deal with matters pertinent to men. To help the men live exemplary Godly lives at all times, focus on providing an outreach ministry to unchurched men, and to conduct the ministry in a manner which properly reflects the goals and purposes of the KCC vision and ministry.

New Member's Follow Up Ministry

The purpose of the New Member’s Follow-up Ministry is to help new members get acquainted and acclimated to Koinonia Christian Center Ministries and the initial classes we have for them to connect in. It is also an opportunity to learn more about our new members, their gifts, and special interests in ministry.

Praise Dance Ministry

The Praise Dance Ministry meets each Saturday morning at 10am. The goal of this ministry is to minister the word of God through dance that will bring forth healing, deliverance, and restoration to the spirit of man. Youth ages 10 and up, young adults, and adults are all welcome to participate.

Publication Committee

The purpose of the publication committee is to ensure that a spirit of excellence is always in place to ensure that the release of any representation for the body of Christ as it pertains to Koinonia Christian Center will always bring glory to the name of Jesus.

Social Media Committee

The purpose of the Social Media Committee is to keep the members abreast of all current notifications involving the church not previously noted in the Sunday bulletins. Please note that communications via way of email, texting, calling post phone message service, and Facebook are also utilized.

Teen Ministry

Koinonia Christian Center’s Teen Ministry is for youth ages 13 and up. We meet each 1st and 3rd Sunday during the 10am service, the 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 6:30pm as well as on the 2nd and 4th Fridays. Our goal is to be a practice ground for our youth to pray, understand the Word, and fellowship with like-minded youth so that when they face the real world, they are equipped to withstand peer pressure, the wiles of the enemy, and can be an example for those around them. Our guiding scripture is I Timothy 4:12 - Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

Women's Fellowship

The purpose of the KCCWF is to encourage a closer fellowship among the women of KCC. To provide a setting in the church where women can periodically come together and deal with matters peculiar to women, help the women live exemplary Godly lives at all times, focus on providing an outreach ministry to women that do not normally attend church, and conduct the ministry in a manner which properly reflects the goals and purposes of the KCC.

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Volunteer Request Form

Thanks for requesting to be a volunteer! Your submission will be forwarded to the appropriate leader and someone will get back to you as soon as possible! 

Our Declaration

We declare that we align ourselves with the glory of God, the love of God, the power of God, and the Son of God. We resist being forgetful hearers, but purpose to be doers of the Word, and to live by faith, literally standing up and surviving moment by moment in faith. Faith is to our spirit what breath is to our body. Help me live by faith in the name of Jesus.

Contact Us


(901) 757-0700


Social Media/

10525 Macon Rd

Cordova, TN 38016

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  • KCC Memphis Youtube

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